Examples of News Stories


The manner in which global news stories are covered has changed dramatically over the years. In the 19th century, it used to take several days for a news story to reach England from the United States. Throughout the 20th century, this timeframe increased dramatically and now we are able to access news as it happens …

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News and Politics


One of the primary focuses of most media organization is politics. They cover both international and domestic affairs and are highly influential in determining the outcome of a government success. One of the main purposes of news in the reporting of politics is to make it accessible to the general public. Politics can be an …

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Media Law and the News


The news is governed by media law which puts in place strict rules regarding what can can cannot be reported to the public. These laws aim to protect people who are vulnerable and also give people recourse if they feel that they have been wrongly spoken about by the press. For example, if you make …

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Internet and the News


The Internet has radically changed the news in many ways. First of all, there is the matter of news consumption. Many billions of people now access to news on their phones meaning that they can receive updates in real time. In terms of new production, the Internet has made the interest-rate much more complicated, particularly …

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Negative Impact of News


While in many ways news is a tool which enables people to become more educated and make good decisions, it can also be a destructive force. In a world of rolling news, many psychologists are concerned about the effect that it can have on an individual’s or a communities mental health. They argue that when …

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The Future of News


It is difficult to predict where news will take us in the future. Many predict that the rate of news will level off, as it seems that we have already reached maximum speeds of reporting and consumption. It is more likely that the industry of news production will change. Newspapers are a declining industry, mainly …

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The British Broadcasting Corporation


The British Broadcasting Corporation is a public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom and the first of its kind in the world. It is also the loudest news organization on the planet and employs over 20,000 people across the world. Due to its aims of impartiality and fair representation, it is often cited as the …

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Wikileaks and the News


WikiLeaks is a nonprofit organization which seeks to publish news which is often classified and therefore outside to be made of traditional media outlets. The Australian Julian Assange Is credited as the founder of WikiLeaks and he’s also organization’s director. WikiLeaks has released a multitude of documents which include information from the Afghan war diary, …

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The Rise of the Citizen Journalist


Citizen journalism is a practice where by the general public play a role in the reporting collecting and distribution of news. In contradiction with professional journalism citizen journalism, otherwise known as public or participatory journalism, He’s not a job in there for the people producing the content does not get any monetary reward. Reasons for …

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