What is Photojournalism?


Photojournalism is a form of the industry which focuses on telling the story over narrative through visual images. Just like with other types of journalism, photojournalism is subject to a stringent range of practices which made it has to be fair and representative of the events which it is covering. Photojournalism was born out of …

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The Role of a Journalist


A journalist is a person who reports on the news or current affairs. Most often, they tend to specialize in a particular area such as politics, sports or health – though this is not always the case, especially with broadcast reporters who will be sent to wherever a story is happening. The two primary areas …

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History of News


It seems there has always been a great appetite for news if not always a method to communicate it effectively. Documents show that ancient civilizations including the Zulus and be Mongolians frequently questioned visitors to that localities in order to try and take information about world events from them. During the Greek and Islamic empires, …

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The Purpose of the News


The role of news in society is a complex one. While at face value it simply appears to be there to inform people about current events, when you dig a little deeper, it actually plays a much more integral an important role in maintaining a stable society. Without news, people would find it substantially more …

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What is news?


Every morning billions of people wake up around the world, turn on their televisions or radios or check their phones to look at what events are occurring across the globe. Some seek the events in global politics, some eager for the happening in their local area, while others go straight to the gossip pages to …

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