As the owner of a multi-media news platform, you will undoubtedly have many employees working for you. It can be challenging to keep track of them, particularly those you have hired temporarily or any who are freelance reporters. Each one of your employees will be bound by a contract, and this can mean a lot of paperwork, leading to errors and inefficiency. The solution is to implement contract management software from, a renowned business.
Save Time
Having automated software means that you have to spend less time on repetitive administration tasks, and your efforts can be put into more rewarding aspects of your news business. Precisely allows you to create templates of your most frequently used contracts, and any member of your staff can use them, knowing that they already meet your legal requirements. Smart questionnaires will ensure that each agreement is appropriate for its needs.
Reduce Risk
You may previously have handled all the administration tasks yourself to ensure that no human error occurs or that instructions are not misunderstood. By creating templates with the use of Precisely, you can confidently delegate these tasks to other team members. If necessary, you can set up the system to require final approval by yourself before a contract is issued. This means you will have minimal involvement and more time to concentrate on your news platform.
Easier Communication
The Precisely platform does away with the need for endless face-to-face discussions and meetings. Your staff can communicate through one space and can even work from home, and still, be connected. Contracts can be negotiated, renewed, and signed electronically for a speedier, more efficient process. Your news reporters can simply read and accept their contracts in a matter of minutes, leaving them free to get on with their job.
Having contract management software from Precisely will change the way you work, saving time, reducing risk, and allowing for more accessible communication. Smart reminders will ensure you never miss a deadline again.